Two hundred and eighty events, most of them free; twelve different locations, from the large spaces of the Santa Giuliana Arena to Piazza IV Novembre and to the club in Via della Viola; over ninety bands on the programme with hundreds of musicians.
These are the key figures for an edition of the festival that confirms Umbria Jazz as one of the major events of its kind worldwide. In addition to these numbers, the re is also the unique atmosphere that comes from its format: the magnificent setting of one of the most beautiful historic town centres in Italy where you can listen to jazz, and more besides, for ten days and from morning right through to the wee small hours. The town of Perugia is not just an extra but is itself the main characteristic of the festival’s identity, consists of the combination of music and the urban environment and is the very essence of the event.
And so there is a great deal of music, but there is also more – music education, a contest to find new talent, children’s events and workshops, fine food and wine, a photographic exhibition, swing dancing lessons, plus live DJ sets.
With Diana Krall, Paolo Conte, Robben Ford, Michel Camilo, George Benson, Chick Corea, Nick Mason, King Crimson, Thom Yorke, Lauryn Hill and many more.