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Vincent Peirani

According to Süddeutsche Zeitung, “What Peirani coaxes out of the piano accordion is something the likes of which has never been heard before”. Vincent Peirani is undoubtedly one of the leading players of the generation of 40-year-old French jazz musicians.

He will also perform in duo at Umbria Jazz with Émile Parisien (a very harmonious collaboration).

After a solid academic education, he fell in love with jazz music in their youth, trying to innovate its language without forgetting its roots and listening to transalpine traditions. Peirani was born in Nice and studied classical music, then jazz music, at the Paris Conservatory. He started recording in 2003. He has played in the Daniel Humair quartet and with other great European jazzmen such as François Jeanneau, Michel Portal, Louis Sclavis. He is widely renowned in the jazz world: in 2016, he was named a Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters.  

  • Galleria Nazionale dell'Umbria
  • Sala Podiani
  • Start: 12pm

from € 20 presale included

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