The most entertaining event on the programme was a kind of musical, but with no scenery or costumes, centred on Italian song from the 1930s and ‘40s, entitled “Abbassa la Tua Radio” (taken from the famous 1940s song “Silenzioso Slow”): a kind of musical collage created and arranged in a light, ironic manner by Stefano Bollani and interpreted by a broad array of soloists (Enrico Rava, Bollani himself, and Petrella) and singers (Irene Grandi, Peppe Servillo, Simona Bencini and Barbara Casini). The most sophisticated artist present at this year’s Festival, however, was the wonderful guitarist Pat Martino, returning to play in public after a considerable period of oblivion (he had lost his memory after an operation, and had had to start from the very beginning again), leading an excellent trio featuring the incredible Joey De Francesco on organ and Byron Landham on drums. A number of expert guitarists also played, including the provocative Marc Ribot, a former member of the Lounge Lizards and partner of Tom Waits, and a solid Paul Scofield. The pyrotechnical trio Medeski, Martin & Wood represented one of the most innovative modern jazz acts, while Joe Lovano’s nine-piece group were a great success.